Bright and Sunny Daffodils

Bright and Sunny Daffodils
5" x 7" original oil painting
premium canvas board
Visit my online store for other
available paintings

Daffodils and Forsythia from my garden
radiate their wonderful Bright and Sunny
shades of yellow above and around
the colorful yet transparent cobalt blue vase.
My painterly interpretation of the
Daffodils and Forsythia
Welcoming Springtime!

Copyright of the artist 2010


Lydia said...

Hi Debra, nice blog & good artwork. You have beautifully maintained it, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

Fanboy Wife said...

I'm really impressed with your ability to paint glass.

Debra J.Sepos said...

Thank you Lydia and Fanboy Wife for your kind comments.

Becky Joy said...

very nice daffodils with the texture.