Momma & Lambs, Wooly Sheep

Momma & Lambs, Wooly Sheep
5" x 7" original oil painting
gallery wrapped stretched canvas

Lambing season is upon us and this momma
was blessed with twins. I was surprised 
that multiple births are common with sheep.
Often babies are different colors as well.
All cuddling together under the 
watchful eyes of momma.


Visit my online store for other available paintings 
Debra J. Sepos Paintings

Copyright of the artist 2014

Adorable Wooly Lamb

Adorable Wooly Lamb
5" x 7" original oil painting
gallery wrapped stretched canvas

My followers know my love of sheep.
I look forward to lambing time 
and visiting a few local farms to get 
up close and personal with
friendly sheep and their newborn lambs.
This little guys is just too cute!


Visit my online store for available paintings

Copyright of the artist 2014

Lavender & Prose

Lavender & Prose
5" x 7" original oil painting
gallery wrapped stretched canvas


Visit my online store

Gardening books and have helped me 
over the years create a wonderful
perennial garden.
Sprigs of fragrant lavender
are frequently fragrant
subject matter for paintings.

Copyright of the artist 2014

Lilacs In Porcelain

Lilacs In Porcelain
5" x 7" original oil painting
gallery wrapped stretch canvas


Visit my online store for other available paintings

I am really pleased at how this painting has turned out. 
Soft lights, loose brush stokes, and complementary
colors add the perfect touch.

Copyright of the artist 2014